Benefits of Mask Training in Voxn Washable Face MasksThere are many respiratory benefits to fitness training while wearing a face mask like strengthening your heart and lungs. It may seem odd…Jan 14, 2021Jan 14, 2021
Reading a Nutrition Label — Yoga HealtIt is important to know how to read a nutrition label in order to understand and control which nutrients you consume in your day-to-day…Jan 14, 2021Jan 14, 2021
Staying Motivated with VoxnKeeping a fitness grind and routine can be difficult especially if you feel unmotivated or you just simply don’t have the drive. According…Jan 14, 2021Jan 14, 2021
The Business of Fashion — Voxn Clothing in Downtown BoiseThe Fashion Industry is fascinating and complex. Fashion is a long-term, ongoing process that requires many different areas of expertise…Nov 1, 2019Nov 1, 2019
Where to Park in Downtown Boise | Downtown Boise Parking GuideDon’t let parking get the best of you when your shopping in downtown Boise! Life is too short. We are going to share some tips on how to…Nov 1, 2019Nov 1, 2019